This working group is chaired by Margaux Meidinger (Groupe La Poste) and its spokesperson is Stéphane Chevet (CFDT).
It aims at collecting practices of social regulation, following the main social evolutions in the sector, supporting the change management and monitoring the continued provision of universal postal services. during the latest years a particular focus has also been the social consequences of the development of new services.
In the framework of this working group, two joint documents have been signed by the European social partners:
- The Joint Statement on Postal Sector Evolution signed in 2007
« the proposed future market opening must go hand in hand with socially acceptable employment conditions. […] Fair competition in the postal sector can only be successful if appropriate employment conditions are ensured and negative structural trends are prevented. » - The New Joint Declaration on Postal Sector Evolution signed in 2012
« The post sector is in a process of continuous and rapid change. […] there needs to be a balance between an appropriately rewarded workforce and the requirement for adaptability to the new market circumstances. »
The PSE working group has been conducting a major initiative, the Social Observatory of the postal sector, which encompassed several projects.
- The Social Observatory Project on nine EU Member states in 2009
- On the social consequences of the current evolutions, change management policies and the role of social partners in these evolutions.
- Included three regional seminars in Riga, Brussels and Budapest and a final conference in Brussels which gathered around 70 participants
- The project « Social partners preparing for change” in 2010-2011
- On social regulation, change management, new entrants and USO in all EU Member states
- With three regional seminars in Madrid, Budapest and Bucharest
- The project “Developing a quality postal sector in the digital age” in 2013-2014
- Included several listening sessions on work organisation in retail, parcels and sorting, and social regulation, innovative use of networks and universal service
- A final conference with more than 60 high-level experts.
- The project « Mobilising social partners in a new context in 2015-2016
- With a focus on two main topics : 1) the development of e-commerce and new services as well as 2) an analysis of collective labour agreements to manage the change process