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Final Reports of the SDC EU-funded projects


2014 Project: Final Report of the project "Managing demographic challenges and finding sustainable solutions by the social partners in the postal sector"


This project conducted in 2013-2014 aimed at analysing the impact of demographic changes on the postal industry, share managerial practices regarding age management, both in terms of continued employment for older workers as promoting employability and occupational health. It took the form of three regional seminars organized in Paris, Stockholm and Warsaw. These round-tables which gathered numerous social partners from several countries enabled an effective mutual learning process interactive debate through the exchange of detailed information on national practices.


Postal Sector Evolution

2012 Project: Final report of the project " Developing a quality postal service in the digital age" 

This project aimed at continuing the close monitoring of the postal sector evolution in the framework of the Social Observatory. It was conducted in 2013 and 2014 by the Postal Sector Evolution working group of the Committee with six listening sessions and a final conference.

The six listening sessions involving selected countries enable an effective mutual learning process and an interactive debate through the exchange of detailed information on each national practice. More precisely a list of key topics has been established for the listening sessions:  work organisation in retail (1), in parcels (2) and in sorting (3), key issues in the sector today (4), innovative utilisation of networks and universal service (5) and social regulation (6).

On 7 February 2014 took place the Final Conference of the project. This event which was the stalemate of the PSE project gathered more than 60 participants including representatives from postal operators and trade unions from 24 countries as well as Commission representatives.


10. December 2019
Positive EC answer for a new project on digital Skills and environment [read more...]
02. March 2016
New organization of the SDC Post (2 March 2016) [read more...]
18. November 2015
Training seminar on e-commerce and new services [read more...]